Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Main Reason We Don't Believe We Have African Ancestry Is ...

Because our ancestors told us we didn't. It's like that ol' time religion, if it was good enough for grandma, it's good enough for me. Besides, no one has ever shown us any proof of it. I ain't saying there's anything wrong with having African ancestry, but just as it would pretentious for me to claim to be descended from Charlemagne without proof, it's ludicrous for anyone else to say I have African ancestry without proof. It's sort of like that Jerry Seinfeld line, "not that there's anything wrong with it."


Unknown said...

After reading what you posted about the DNA testing you had done, I am confused by this post. The test results were not proof enough? Also, I find your "not that there's anything wrong with it" incredibly transparent and weak, especially considering the way you grudgingly acknowledged, and then diminished the significance of the 3%. Few in number though they may have been compared to your European and Native ancestors, were they not also your people? A part of your story? Aren't you being a tad disrespectful?

Ray Bridges said...

One set of DNA tests I took said I might have 3% sub-Saharan African, but a subsequent and suposedly more specific test, showed no sub-Saharan African.

I mean no disrespect to any of my ancient ancestors. My more immediate ancestors made the point of our not having African ancestry an important part of their story. It is not my job to call them liars. It is my job to honor the stories I've been given.

Why is it important to you to say that I have African ancestry?

Anonymous said...

Hey Im a black woman that lives in cincinnati and I may be able to prove that the redbones did have african ancestry as well as european. My grandmother and her people are from the Louisiana and Mississippi area and I did a search on the names she could remember and broomstead or bromstead was the link. I could be wrong but I trust u will let me know.